If you have a leather item that needs a repair, be it a simple buckle replacement or a full handbag reconstruction, do get in touch to see what we can do to help and to give you an estimate of cost.

Burberry Bag with new leather corner patches to cover damage and give the bag a renewed life and look!

This Anya Hindmarch bag needed the slide loop reattaching and the front pocket glued back together

A much loved and well travelled satchel needs a lot of attention. Here are two of the major problem areas including remaking the handle and attachments

Yves Saint Laurent Clutch Bag with worn piping and in need of a good clean. All 8 corners were repaired and the whole bag given a good clean


This case came to me looking rather tired and in need of some TLC. I replaced the spine at the back that was falling apart, painted and polished it up.

Chest before and after the dog had some of it for dinner!

Chest before and after the dog had some of it for dinner!

Hunting seat repair where I replaced the handle cover with soft leather and the seat with stiffer vegetable tanned leather.

Hunting seat repair where I replaced the handle cover with soft leather and the seat with stiffer vegetable tanned leather.